About Us

Welcome to Parkinson Society Nova Scotia
We are the voice for Parkinson’s in Nova Scotia. We are a registered non-profit society, governed by a Board of Directors and supported by donations and the dedicated efforts of volunteers.

We provide education, advocacy, resources, and support to those impacted by Parkinson’s, their care partners and families.

Please join us on our journey with Parkinson’s.

Our Mission
Our Mission is to empower the Parkinson’s community in Nova Scoiia through the provision of resources and services to enable self-management, self-reliance, and self-advocacy.

Our Values
While pursuing our Mission, we will do so with the following core values Respect, Integrity, Kindness, Empathy, and Trust.

How you can help
Donate – We rely on donations, including monthly giving, In Memory donations and bequests.
Volunteer – We are always looking for new volunteers to help in our work. If you think you might be interested please contact us.

Contact Us:
Charitable Registration #

Support Groups
Our Parkinson Support Groups meet monthly and often have a guest speaker with varied interests and experiences. Our groups are a safe place to share information and education, and provide ongoing understanding, encouragement, as well as peer insight and support for people with Parkinson’s, care partners and families. For more information please reach out to us at: 902-404-0792 (parkinsonsocietynovascotia@gmail.com)

“Pakinson Society Nova Scotia a service-based organization. Our priority is to help people affected by Parkinson’s improve their quality of life and live well. Our Mission does not mean that we will not stop providing programs, services, and advocacy efforts, but our approach has shifted to empowering and enabling individuals to take control of their health. While Parkinson’s can cause disabling symptoms, we recognize that each person’s experience with it is different. In recent years there has been a greater effort to improve awareness of ‘disabilities’, with the focus now being placed on what adaptations can be made to help people live well, recognizing each person’s strengths, and presenting a more realistic picture of what it means to live with a chronic condition. The change in our Mission aligns with the shift in social awareness, in that it acknowledges that each individual can use informed decision-making to manage their health, and the resources and services provided by Parkinson Society Nova Scotia allow people to choose what fits their needs at any given point in time.”